Saturday, April 26, 2008


Proving once again that he's a true leader and a fearless friend of Israel, Barack Obama was asked by a reporter what he thought about Jimmy “Jihad” Carter's meeting with Hamas last week, the Messiah of the the Democratic Party snapped: “Why can't I just eat my waffle?”

Pressed again for an answer Obama whined: “Just let me eat my waffle.”

The preceding is from a blog with “Secret” in the title. I guess the secret is not that this guy is a big fan of Obama, because, though I could be misreading this, I think the blogger is being sarcastic when he describes Obama as a “true leader and a fearless friend of Israel.”

I rack my brain for lessons learned in freshman Logic class many years ago to understand this statement.
All waffle eaters hate Israel.
Barack Obama eats waffles.
Therefore, Barack Obama hates Israel.

Holy Belgian batter, I better give up waffles. This is tragic, as the end of Passover is so close!

Fortunately, Americans have an example of civility from the man who has been a heartbeat from the presidency for the last seven years and ninety seven days. On the Senate floor in June of 2004, the VP told Senator Patrick Leahy:
"Fuck yourself." What was Cheney digging into? Probably not waffles, maybe red meat.

McCain did not fare so well for his short fuse in an April 20, 2008 Washington Post article. But, hey the Washington Post must be exhibiting media bias. When I lived in DC, any person interested in “the truth” read Reverend Moon’s paper.

In 2007, during a heated closed-door discussion with Senate colleagues about the contentious immigration issue, he angrily shouted a profanity at a fellow Republican, John Cornyn of Texas,”

Is it ok to curse at colleagues as long as one is not afraid to answer foreign policy questions?

“The nomination of a beleaguered John Tower to become defense secretary was already in trouble when Sen. Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, a conservative Democrat who later became a Republican, helped doom it by voting against Tower. A furious McCain, believing that Shelby had reneged on a commitment of support, accosted him, got within an inch of his nose and screamed at him.”

I studied proxemics in grad school and in American culture close friends stay about a foot and a half apart. Getting within an inch of someone’s nose means either you are about to kiss him/her or you are invading his/her space. I’ll let you decide what this McCain incident meant.

“While in the course of a policy disagreement at a luncheon meeting of Republican senators, McCain reportedly insulted Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico with an earthy expletive. Domenici demanded an apology. ‘Okay, I'll apologize,’ McCain said, before referring to an infuriated Domenici with the same expletive.”

I love the word expletive. Its Latin root means to fill, or fill out, so I will let you fill out McCain’s part of that conversation.

A platform that had been adequate for taller candidates had not taken into account the needs of the 5-foot-9 McCain, who left the suite and went looking for a man in his early 20s named Robert Wexler, the head of Arizona's Young Republicans, which had helped make arrangements for the evening's celebration. Confronting Wexler in a hotel ballroom, McCain exploded, according to witnesses who included Jon Hinz, then executive director of the Arizona Republican Party. McCain jabbed an index finger in Wexler's chest.

"I told you we needed a stage," he screamed, according to Hinz. "You incompetent little [expletive]. When I tell you to do something, you do it."

Again with the expletive, though McCain calling the guy an “incompetent little [expletive] smacks of projection.

Defenders of McCain argue that it is his passion for what is right that gets him so fired up.  Whoa, ok, so a probably exhausted, hungry Obama is not allowed to want to eat in peace, but an elected official running for the highest office in the land with a long history of behaving badly is excused. What am I worried about?... if McCain is elected he only has to be Commander in Chief not Diplomat in Chief.

I will warn the media, when I announce my candidacy for President, “If you see me and a piece of flourless chocolate cake, don’t even think about sticking a microphone in my face.”

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